Sunday, October 11, 2009

I am so proud of you girls!  Continuing your education and helping others with the difficult situations in their lives is so very rewarding.  My life's ambition is to alleviate suffering, help people bring balance into their lives and to give and receive love in emotionally healthy ways.  I guess that would be my mission statement.  Some days, I do that really well and on others, I fall short of the mark.  But to keep learning and going forward is what this is all about.  As I have gone through my own training, I have come to see my own stumbling blocks and imperfections.  Sometimes, it's hard to remember that we're all growing and that this life is designed for making mistakes and having the opportunity to learn from them.  We're all in this together.  I learn as much from my clients as I teach them.  I have also learned that I can't lift someone to higher ground that I am standing on, and that when I am with a person in pain, I am standing on hallowed ground.  This keeps me humble, which means I am in a position to learn.  I pray that I never forget that. 
  My life, like so many other, go in cycles.  Maybe it's age and maybe it's that because learning builds on learning.  I learn something new, have a new insight or inspiring experience and Wham...I find myself questioning my effectiveness and worthwhileness all over again.  I think it's important that I mention this here, because I think lots of folks experience the same thing.  I used to think I was going backwards when this happened or that somehow I was lacking in stability or confidence and faith, when I had those moments,but I have realized that they are almost always accompanied by a step forward into a new and more solid place, or growth.  Questioning myself in a new and slightly different perspective than I had before.  In the past, (maybe even now sometimes) this has been kinda hard on my kids, because I would find myself apologizing for my imperfections, yet again, just in case I forgot something along the way.  (I am smiling at myself  right now, kinda like I might smile at a client, who is reminding of how really imperfect they are...and how much love I feel for them as they simply recognize their humaness).  Hmmm,  am I rambling?  It's been that kind of week.  I actually think I may go through this, at least twice a year, when I have been to my AMCAP convention and Conference.  These 2 events are the most uplifting and spiritual experiences that I have every 6 months.  It's also the way I get my CEU's.  The convention theme was Finding calm in troubled times and the over riding theme of conference was love.  Because I tend to be very introspective (sometimes a real burden) I usually spend the next week or so putting myself under the perverbial microscope to make sure I am where I want to be, doing what I want to be doing.  Of course, I always fall a little short of my expections of self (something I warn my clients about constantly, "physician heal thyself" hmmmmm.) 
  Laurie, so hard to hear about the bus accident.  I know you have been close to the music program at the school.
  Jodi, I would be very sorry for you to move, but as you said, I'd have another place to visit, but it would be a really long drive for Friday lunch.
  Ok,  I have rambled on enough, now it's onward and upward to a new week.  Business has been very slow, a sign of the lagging economy.  At least, I hope that's what it is.  Oops, there I go again.  Time to sign off... I love you both.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

OK so I've spent the past four days in a Holistic Health consultant workshop! Soo awesome. I just love this stuff. I am so greatful that we are in charge of our own lives, healing paths and how we deal with our learning experiences. Some really suck and we still get to choose to gain wisdom and learning from them or choose to let them hold us back our whole life! Life is hard anyway so why let sucky experiences weigh us down especially if we weren't the one who caused them! The tools I'm on a path to learn can help so many! I'm excited to be able tohelp others see their paths more clearly and not be so hard on themselves!
And with that little tidbit- that doesn't say much of what we learned-I'll go into more detail with time. As for now-My world (and spirit) was a little rocked this evening as I learned that one of the four buses coming home from the Pocatello band competition with or American Fork band students and staff rolled over causing a fatality of one female staff member who was trying to help the driver she saw was in distress! She was thrown from the bus as she tryed to get control of the bus. I've talked to a few parents through facebook whose children wee on the bus. They are being taken to hospitals to be checked and for the most part seem to be OK. But their poor spirits will take awhile to mend. We have more than ten children in the choir from our church ward. Tomorrows meetings will I'm sure be a little sad. My prayers are with all of them right now as I've not talked to all of them to know they are ALL OK. Sure let's us know how precious life is and how we need to be able to LIVE our full potential. I hope what we're all learning along this journey can and will help all those we love and beyond! Soom, Laurie